Simply put, a Buck rub is a marking left on a tree by a
Whitetail buck. It’s really that simple. Or is it? You begin to ask yourself,
why does the buck make the rub? Why does he make so many? What does it mean to
him? What does it mean to other Bucks in the area? How can I use this to my
advantage? Now we are getting into biology, social behavior and even chemistry.
But believe me, it’s really simple.
A whitetail buck starts its year of
antler growth in velvet. This is the soft coating that protects the antlers as
they grow throughout the summer. Just before fall, the antlers will harden to a
point where it no long needs the velvet. The velvet will start to itch and
irritate the buck so bad that he rubs the velvet off of his antlers. This is
where we get our first kind of rubs. I call them shedding rubs. These will most
likely be in the buck’s core area. You will mostly find them in a concentrated
area rather than on single trees with no others in sight. If you stumble across
an area where you can see ten to thirty rubs in one area, you are probably in
the buck’s core area. Those are great spots for morning hunts because the buck
will surely be near there when he returns after a night of running around.

Bucks will stop ever so often to
rub trees. This creates a Rub Line! Although very underrated, the rub line has
lead to the harvest of some monster bucks. With the right setup, rub lines can
be far more effective than scrape hunting. A rub line shows the path that a
buck likes to travel. This usually means he will be back if he is not already
packed into another hunter’s freezer.
When a buck leaves a rub, he
doesn’t just leave a visual sign post. He leaves his scent from his forehead
glands on the rub as well. This lets other bucks know who’s leaving those rubs.
Most of these bucks are familiar with each other. They spend nights in the same
feeding areas and some of them may have even been in the same bachelor group
during the summer.
Like a dog urinating on his
property, a buck will make rubs in areas where he wants his presence to be
known. This could be feeding areas, bedding areas or travel routes other deer
use to get to and from bedding. Depending on how dominant he is, he will
enforce his dominance with his freshly polished antlers he spent all summer
I hope this certainly helps your
understanding of a Buck Rub. Rubs can be a deadly tool for a Whitetail hunter.
When hunting the big woods of Northern Michigan, this is how I get a jump on
mature bucks in my hunting area, and you can do the same thing. If you have any
questions about rubs and rub lines, feel free to message me at or on
the Michigan Gone wild Facebook page. This is Alvin Sitkiewicz signing off! As
always, Stay Wild!
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